Louise Dalgleish

Location: Manchester

Gender: Female
Age Category: Adult
Height: 154 cm
Eye Colour: Hazel
Hair Colour: Auburn
Dress Size: 8

Website: Click To View
Instagram: Click To View


I’m Louise (she/her), I’m 21 and open to new opportunities. As a lesbian and disabled woman, I want to proudly represent the minority communities I belong to. In 2022, they are not as visible as they should be so I’d like to change that.

Being a butch woman is a part of my identity I celebrate, and hyper-femininity (long hair, full make up, skirts/dresses) isn’t desirable to me, and many others. I want to be the person I needed to see in magazines, ads, TV etc. as a teenager and show others that difference is not something anyone should be ashamed of.

I also have a life-limiting rare disease leading to cancer. At age 12 I received a bone marrow transplant (a new chance at life). My disease is incurable and most do not live beyond 33. Despite this, I have surpassed many milestones like reaching adulthood and receiving a degree amongst other achievements. As someone living with multiple disabilities, I enjoy proving others wrong and exceeding expectations.

Diversity and individuality is why I enjoy being seen, however, even today, the focus is on straight and able-bodied individuals. I strive to be part of change to see active inclusivity and I am ready to take on new opportunities.



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